
Money is the fabric of our lives. It is the means by which we live and pay the bills, buy and accumulate more and more stuff, and yet many never feel they get ahead or have enough for today let alone for the future. We believe it is important to examine this aspect of our lives called money and possessions. As a voice for financial discipleship, we seek to add context to the conversation and to change the narrative as it relates to our management of money and possessions. 

Money is the fabric of our lives. It is the means by which we live and pay the bills, buy and accumulate more and more stuff, and yet many never feel they get ahead or have enough for today let alone for the future. We believe it is important to examine this aspect of our lives called money and possessions. As a voice for financial discipleship, we seek to add context to the conversation and to change the narrative as it relates to our management of money and possessions. 

"We are inviting people to explore the ‘why’ question how does money impact your discipleship journey to become more like Jesus?"

"We are inviting people to explore the ‘why’ question. Why  does money impact your discipleship journey to become more like Jesus?"

Is Money an Obstacle?

Jesus warns us that our relationship with money could become an obstacle to a deeper relationship with Him. Jesus spoke about money and possessions in nearly half of the parables He taught the people. Despite the abundance of resources and practical tools to help us manage our finances, many still struggle with their finances. We recognize that having an abundance of information does not lead to heart transformation or a change of internal beliefs and habits.

Is Money an Obstacle?

Jesus warns us that our relationship with money could become an obstacle to a deeper relationship with Him. Jesus spoke about money and possessions in nearly half of the parables He taught the people. Despite the abundance of resources and practical tools to help us manage our finances, many still struggle with their finances. We recognize that having an abundance of information does not lead to heart transformation or a change of internal beliefs and habits.

Looking into the Heart

We believe it is important to explore the heart and the influence of what the Bible calls mammon. Mammon is a power or, better known as a spirit. It seeks to put our trust in money rather than God. Without even knowing it, people come under its influence by default unless they make a clear decision about yielding their finances to the Lord.

Mammon is a power that tries to be like God in our lives, with a specific goal to enslave us by shaping and influencing our thoughts, habits, beliefs and motivations.

God’s people have become entrenched in the world’s culture and perspective on money and possessions, moving away from Biblical principles towards a life focused on wants and pleasures.

A New Perspective

We believe that we are called to live counter-culturally, being called out of the world’s systems to have a Kingdom perspective and to see the use of money as Jesus sees it.  We will then apply what the Word has to say about money management and seek the leading of the Holy Spirit regarding our spending decisions.

We believe that all we have been given actually belongs 100% to God as Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s and all it contains.” We have been entrusted to steward it on His behalf. 

It is our desire to see people mature in their financial discipleship journey - as modeled by Jesus, marrying the practical expression with the spiritual understanding.

 A New Perspective

We believe that we are called to live counter-culturally, being called out of the world’s systems and to have a Kingdom perspective and to see the use of money as Jesus sees it. We will then apply what the Word has to say about money management and seek the leading of the Holy Spirit regarding our spending decisions. 

 We believe that all we have been given actually belongs 100% to God as Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s and all it contains.” We have been entrusted to steward it on His behalf. 

 It is our desire to see people mature in their financial discipleship journey - as modeled by Jesus, marrying the practical expression with the spiritual understanding.

A Decision to Make

The ultimate challenge is whether we want to follow His ways in this area of our lives or do it our way? It requires a clear decision and commitment that Jesus Christ will be the Lord of our money and possessions as for every other area of our lives. 

Equipping You for the Journey

We are committed to helping people on their financial discipleship journey by engaging them in thought provoking dialogues, discussions and different learning opportunities through videos, writing, podcasts and social media platforms. We seek to teach and help people understand mammon’s impact on their financial lives and discipleship journey and help them walk free. 

We believe as a ministry the mandate given to us by the Lord is to ‘make a voice’. Part of this task is to issue a clarion call to the Church of Canada ‘to come out of Babylon to prayer and repentance into Godly living for the coming days.’

Would you join us on the journey and invite others to join you?
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